

Fatigue, the day has worn down his well practiced exterior. Although he knows where he is heading, he meanders, his gait is inconsistent. His gaze wanders from object to object, taking up his surroundings, though, truth be told, he has already traversed through these very streets for what seems like a lifetime to him. Occasionally, his eyes will settle upon another soul but he is ever ready to dart away his glance in the unfortunate scenario that he is discovered.

"I am tired," his internal monologue says, "I should rest," though in the back of his mind he wished that he could somehow transcend beyond that particular physical limitation. With a sigh, he relents, "I am only human".

He enters the subway terminal and goes to the man behind the glass window. "Could I have ten tokens please?" he says with a voice that is in complete contrast to the speaker in his mind, which is more brutish and direct, impatient with the platitudes so often conducted by his external counterpart.

The exchange transpires unremarkably. "Have a good evening!" wishes the polite, well-meaning attendant to which he gives the only appropriate response, "Thanks, you too!" with the ever obligate smile that he employs far too often.

He descends further onto the subway platform and boards the train so that he may return home and find reprieve from his fatal companion.


Jupiter & Venus

Jupiter and Venus have been paired together in the sky for the past while. Their light seems to be able to pierce through the early evening sky, a time when the normal stellar background is still muted by the Rayleigh Scattering. Well, anyway, I do gaze at them periodically as I walk home at nights and when my mind starts to wander, I find myself recalling one particular memory from well over a decade.

I'm in gym class and we're all taking turns to go up to the chalk board to write down something we want to do when we're older. For whatever reason, I decided to go up and write down "Go to Jupiter" and I distinctly remember part of the class cheering me on for writing that. Even the teacher smilingly gave me a nod of approval.

Why did I write that? Did I really want to go to Jupiter at the time? To be honest, I can't remember. Even though I did watch a lot of sci-fi back then, I'm pretty sure I had a solid grasp on the implausibilities of traveling to other planets. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, it was most probably metaphorical for not limiting myself, following my dreams, or whatever else that's along those lines.

So here I am, it's been at least 10 years, and I'm currently getting my second degree. Am I en route to Jupiter? As of right now, probably not, if only because I don't know what my Jupiter is. Is that ok? I don't know. But, I'll try to remain true to myself and to be willing to pack my bags and go if and when I do find it.